Special Educational Needs
St. Margaret’s Primary Academy expects all children to make progress from their own starting points. We aim to unlock every child's potential by:
- Offering an inclusive approach and all children are offered an engaging and stimulating curriculum.
- We have the flexibility to meet individual needs by making reasonable adjustments to our provision.
- We aim to identify needs as early as possible to put reasonable adjustment in place and when required seeking advice from outside agencies.
- We value the involvement of our families and communicate regularly with them.
At St Margaret's Primary Academy we ensure that we follow the statutory government document called SEND Code of Practice 2015. As part of the SEND code of Practice we follow the Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle.
Who is the School SENDCo?
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Becky Granger.
You can book an appointment to discuss your child with the SENCO at the office. Ask for an appointment and Mrs Granger will book an appointment with you.
Our SEND Governor is Charlotte Ingram.
SEND Events:
Every Month we hold SEND Coffee mornings in our community hub, further information to follow.
Links to Local Support and Advice
The Suffolk Infolink website publishes information about Suffolk’s Local Offer:
SENDIASS (Support for Parents): www.suffolksendiass.co.uk
East Coast Community Healthcare services, including School Health/School Nursing Team and Speech and Language Therapy: www.ecch.org
Specsavers in Lowestoft
They are now offering visual stress testing (for coloured overlays) and colorimetry testing for when the next step of having coloured lenses in the spectacles is required. The cost of this is £25.
Contact point to arrange an appointment or any questions: rhiannon.noble1@specsavers.com