Year 1
Welcome to Year 1
Class Teachers:
Beech: Miss Macdonald
Holly: Mrs Ffrench
Support Staff:
Mrs Shelley (LSA)
Miss Lapthorne (LSA)
Key Messages/Dates
- PE is on a Monday. Please ensure your children come to school in full PE kit.
- Year 1 visits the library every Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your children bring their library books into school ready to exchange on this day.
- Reading cafes:
- Holly - Thursday 13th February
- Beech - Friday 14th February
- Love Reading Workshops - We will be hosting 'love reading' workshop every Monday (3.15pm - 4.00pm) in the Holly Classroom. These will run from Monday 3rd March - Monday 31st March 2025. All Year 1 children with their parents and carers are welcome to this family workshop. Please come in through the Year 1 door.
- World Book Day is on the Thursday 6th March. Please ensure your children come into school dressed up as their favourite book character.
What are we learning in Year 1 this half term?
Spring 1
These are the texts that we cover throughout the this term:
At St Margaret's we are passionate about reading! We teach a daily reading session based on a Curriculum for Unity School’s Partnership (CUSP) text.
This half term, our core texts are 'Peter Rabbit' by Beatrix Potter and 'Look Up' by Nathan Byron. These core texts are supplemented by a variety of additional texts, to support children developing their reading fluency and confidence across a range of text types.
At St Margaret's Primary Academy we follow CUSP for our writing curriculum. The CUSP curriculum is a vocabulary rich, knowledge based approach to help develop pupils' retrieval, vocabulary and deepen their learning. During the Spring 1 term, Year 1 will be learning about poetry and looking at how we can play with language for different affects. We will also be learning how to write a recount from a personal experience and how to write informal letters.
At St Margaret's Primary Academy we adopt a mastery approach to teach maths lessons. The mastery approach supports children in becoming fluent and confident mathematicians. Maths lessons include ‘Flashback 4’ where children recap 4 previously learnt skills, fluency activities and opportunities for children to apply their knowledge to reasoning and problem solving. This half term we will be covering place value (within 20) and addition and subtraction (within 20).
In geography, the children will be studying hot and cold locations.
In history, we will be learning all about the lives of significant individuals, we have focused on Mary Anning and David Attenborough. We will be learning about how their lives are similar and different.
This half term, children will learn about animals including humans. They will learn about what an animal is. The children will also look at the 5 different animals groups and learn about the features of: mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish. The children will be comparing the groups of animals and be able to explain what is the same and what is different. This science topic allows children to understand that humans are mammals and learn about the senses to help explain this.
Home learning
We expect children to read a minimum of 3 times a week at home; this should be logged on Boom Reader. If it has been logged on Boom Reader that your children have read 3 or more times a week, then they will receive an extra play time at the end of each week.
If you need support with Boom Reader, please come and speak to a member of the Year 1 team who will be more than happy to help.
Children can log onto Numbots to practise their maths skills at home regularly using Numbots.
If you need support with logging into Numbots or are unaware of your child's login, please reach out to a member of the Year 1 team